FEMA Appoints National Advisory Council Members
FEMA announced today that Administrator Brock Long appointed 10 new members to serve three-year terms on FEMA’s National Advisory Council (NAC).
The NAC is a federal advisory committee of up to 35 members who advise the FEMA Administrator on all aspects of emergency management to ensure input from and coordination with state, local, tribal and territorial governments, and the private sector.
In addition to providing recommendations to the Administrator, the NAC gives FEMA access to expertise, information, and advice on a broad range of issues.
The 10 new NAC members are:
o Joseph “Rich” Baich, Executive VP, Chief Information Security Officer, Wells Fargo & Co. of Charlotte, N.C. as the cybersecurity expert.
o Deanna Dahl-Grove, Pediatric Emergency Physician, University Hospital Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital from Cleveland, Ohio as the in-patient medical provider representative.
o Bryan Desloge, Leon County Commissioner from Tallahassee, Fla. as the elected local official’s representative.
o Dante Disparte, Chief Executive Officer, Risk Cooperative from Washington, D.C. as an Administrator’s selection.
o Charley English, American Red Cross National Emergency Management Liaison from Fayetteville, Ga. as an Administrator’s selection.
· Ramesh Kolluru, Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette as an Administrator’s selection.
Juan Perez, Miami-Dade County Police Department Director from Doral, Fla. as the emergency response provider representative.
o William “Brad” Richy, Idaho Office of Emergency Management Director from Boise, Idaho as the emergency management representative.
o Grant Seiffert, Principal and CEO of G.S. Initiatives, LLC from Alexandria, Va. as the communications expert.
o Kevin Staley, retired Mecklenburg EMS Agency Deputy Director from Charlotte, N.C. as the emergency response provider representative.
· Administrator Long also announced that he selected Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief W. Nim Kidd to serve as the NAC Chairman, and Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Emergency Manager Jeff Hansen to serve as Vice Chairman.
· Additionally, FEMA is now accepting applications for 12 open positions. All appointments are for a three-year term beginning in September. For information on applying for the open positions, go to http://www.fema.gov/membership-applications or see the forthcoming Federal Register notice. Applications must be received on or before March 15.
FEMA Announces Increase to the Annual Per Capita Indicator for Public Assistance Program
FEMA adjusted the calendar year 2019 statewide per capita indicator for recommending a cost share adjustment of 1.9 percent for its Public Assistance program as a result of the Consumer Price Index increase.
When disaster costs meet or exceed $146 per capita of the state or tribal population, FEMA will recommend an increase in the standard 75 percent federal cost share to not more than 90 percent of the eligible cost of permanent work under section 406 and emergency work under section 403 and section 407 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
This adjustment is formulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and applies to all disasters declared on or after January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
FEMA Releases Valentine Preparedness Messaging
To find instructions on how to build your own emergency kit, please visit ready.gov or fema.gov.

FEMA’s Office of External Affairs (OEA) provides this bulletin to highlight the agency’s recent and upcoming program and policy activities and announcements. Feedback is welcome at fema-bulletin@fema.dhs.gov. Previous editions are available at www.fema.gov/fema-bulletin. This bulletin is not intended to provide a comprehensive list of policies that are open for public comment, nor does it describe all of the instructions or requirements necessary to submit a comment. For a complete list of instructions and deadlines please click the hyperlinks included. FEMA does not endorse any non-government organizations, entities or services. OEA’s mission is to engage, inform, and educate all of FEMA’s stakeholders in support of the Agency’s programs and initiatives to achieve its mission. OEA accomplishes its mission by coordinating and maintaining visibility of public and internal communications; advising FEMA program and support offices on decision-making regarding policies, plans, and actions that affect stakeholder, media, and Congressional audiences; and organizing outreach efforts targeted at principal stakeholders to include state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, the private sector, national organizations and associations, and the American public. |