Comments sought related to missing persons
Dear Tribal Leaders, The Montana Legislature’s State-Tribal Relations Committee will meet by phone on the morning of July 6 to review several pieces of proposed legislation. Members of the public…
Dear Tribal Leaders, The Montana Legislature’s State-Tribal Relations Committee will meet by phone on the morning of July 6 to review several pieces of proposed legislation. Members of the public…
Law Enforcement Officer Cultural Protection Training Offered in June and August – First Training Starts Monday, June 11 The Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services (BIA-OJS) has scheduled cultural…
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide Release: May 31, 2018 FEMA’s National Preparedness Assessment Division released the updated Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201 to reflect the changes in methodology for the Threat and…
Location: Northern Hotel 2nd Floor • North Ballroom Address: 19 North Broadway Downtown Billings (406) 867-6767 Lodging: $93.00 plus tax (GSA Rate) Room block ends May 18th Agenda Highlights &…
Download Job Opportunities Job descriptions and Applications are available at the Human Resources Office Fort Belknap Agency 656 Agency Main Street Harlem, Montana 59526-9455 PH: (406) 353-2205 FAX: Council -(406)…
News Alert: Park County, Wyoming is fighting the unified tribal effort to change the names of Mount Doane and Hayden Valley in Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming clearly prefers to retain…
On April 26, 2018, FEMA released a new version of the Public Assistance Policy and Program Guidance (PAPPG). On February 9, 2018, Congress passed, and the President signed, the Bipartisan Budget…
In an effort to honor individuals, Tribes, organizations, and programs that have enriched and improved American Indian and Alaska Native behavioral health, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) invites nominations…
Funding for VAWA Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Implementation (SDVCJ) The Department of Justice has funding available to support tribes in their efforts to implement criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians pursuant…
Dear Tribal Leader: The Department of Justice invites Tribal Leaders to join the 2018 Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit recommendations…
To preserve our homelands, defend rights of the Indian Treaties with the United States, speak in a unified voice, offer support to our people, offer a forum in which to consult each other and enlighten each other about our peoples, and to otherwise promote the common welfare of all of the Indian Peoples of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.
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2929 3rd Ave N, Ste 300
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: (406) 252-2550
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